Monday, April 5, 2010

Learning ArcGIS 3D Analyst

Week 11's final post involved learning a little about 3D Analyst - Mod 1 focused on ArcScene. I found this rather interesting in the example that was used was Mt. Shavano - a sight I saw daily for about 12 years as I lived and worked in the vicinity of Mt Shavano. My view is approximately the direction looking west towards Mt Shavano - and when the snow is right - the Angel of Shavano appears. It's a beautiful area.

Learning ArcGIS Spatial Analyst

Another task for Week 11 was to go through Module 1 regarding the Spatial Analyst Tools. I have worked a bit with the spatial analyst toolbox and model builder but had not really worked the command line option so that was good to learn.

Creating and Editing Labels And Annotation

Our tasks were to complete Module 1 and create 2 jpgs from the exercise portions of the module. I actually learned a few things on labeling as our work labeling tends to be simple and mostly on-the-fly. I am going to try to incorporate some of this into one of my projects as they don't have access to Maplex.