Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A little glimpse into some quick analysis and thinking on how to assess areas for security purposes. No real major hangups on this one. I was familiar enough with the area to know where to put some observation points. Running viewsheds did take a little time and I am not sure I put enough into - reduced due to speed but I understand the process a little so I think I got what I was supposed to out of the class. Mistakenly posted this to my remote sensing blog or maybe it's just so good - I had to post it twice or maybe I just mistakenly posted it to the wrong blog...or maybe...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 8 GIS 4048

Week 8 starts with analyzing crime in Washington DC and poses some questions on where to possibly build new police substations, which areas have certain crime hot spots, and what if any does time of day have on crime activity. The following figures show definate patterns on locations and time and do give insight on where additional patrols and substations would hopefully benefit in reducing crime.