Sunday, June 13, 2010

Participation Post - Week 2-4 Natural Hazards

"Summarize the role of GIS in disaster response and discuss how it relates to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill even occuring in the Gulf of Mexico."
GIS and disaster, it has become an invaluable tool in the before, during, and after a disaster (natural, manmade, or both) has occurred. I will focus a bit on the during and after as the participation request asked about response. GIS has become a necessity in tracking the path of the event, whether it’s a fire or an oil spill. Those fighting the “fire”, those that might be affected by the course of the “spill” are just two groups needing that information. Where it has been and where it is going are best tracked, analyzed, and displayed through maps and GIS software. Other groups come into play more in the “after” part. Where do relief supplies and cleanup and or aid workers need to go, how best to get them there are all questions that GIS can help with. There are many other applications GIS can be used for to respond to a disaster of any kind. Last but not least, GIS can show where the most extensive damages have or will occur for monetary assistance to people and agencies affected or fighting the fight!

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