Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 5 GIS Data Search

Week 5's assignment involved finding data on the internet, downloading the data, manipulating the data for display purposes, and if necessary define and/or reproject the data. All of the data I found at FGDL (Florida GIS Data Library), FNAI (Florida Natural Areas Inventory), and LABINS (Florida Land Boundary Systems) sites as listed in our lab papers. The roads and stream layers presented a problem as they had much more data than I needed and wanted to show. The streams had shorelines, underground streams, etc. The roads had everything. I tried to show all roads with the minor ones being very thin and gray but they still were way to many. Both layers - I used the definition query to extract just the streams, ditches, canals, and major roadways. I did this so I could then easily set my symbology as one feature. Perhaps not all counties have a solid amount of roads as Okaloosa had but if I had shown all - that is all you would see on the jpg. I did try to download tiger data but it wasn't in shapefile format so I nixed that idea. I did make 3 separate maps as my Wetlands and Strategic Habitat were in raster format. I could have converted them to vector but I chose to show them as raster.

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