Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 6 Georeferencing

This exercise involved georeferencing 2 aerials to projected shapefiles. The north aerial was relatively easy and involved little manipulation. The south aerial was "warped" more and required alot of additional links to get it to line up with the shapefiles. I ended up using way more links as I would find an area that I didn't like the results of and in my attempt to correct that area - distorted others. The only structure I really didn't like the alignment on was the watertower. I would imagine that since we are lining up on rooftops as this was the only good visual line and not footprints - the heights of the buildings played a role - assuming the terrain is relatively flat. I also looked at the line where the 2 aerials met and for the most part liked how they lined up but again - in trying to fix the parking lot on the east side - I made it worse - so I quit. This is a useful tool and needed alot especially when dealing with historic aerials.

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